Where can you find some good, reliable Marietta Georgia roofing contractor companies? The professionals at Dr. Roof can provide what you need in terms of maintaining, repairing, and even replacing your roof. Be sure to ask them about green energy services if you’ve been thinking about ways you can reduce your electric bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Making sure your roof is in good shape and especially making sure the attic is well-insulated and there are no leaks around the windows can make a huge difference in keeping your heating and cooling bill down. Dr. Roof can handle these jobs and a lot more.

Pros of Dr. Roof Roofing Contractors

It’s easy to find contact information. The phone number and a link to the contact form are located right on top of their website. They’ll usually get back to you in less than 24 hours. They acknowledge that you might have had a bad experience with roofing contractors in the past. It happens mostly because the industry is unregulated. Dr. Roof offers some upfront advice on how to avoid getting ripped off by unethical contractors who know that it’s very difficult for you to actually check their work. You can find real reference letters right on their website. References are very important when it comes to choosing a contractor and you want to make sure your Marietta roofing contractor provides as many of them as possible to make sure they aren’t just giving you the names of relatives. They honor the warranty even when you’ve purchased the home since the last time Dr. Roof did the work before the home changed owners. They’ll give your roof a close inspection before making a quote to see exactly what kind of work you need done. There are times when an old roof might just need some repairs instead of being entirely replaced. Even when your roof does need replacing, Dr. Roof will at least have given it a close look to be sure. Check out their videos. The videos include helpful topics such as “How to choose a contractor” and “Price vs. Value.” Helpful videos and content like this are one way to tell that they care about attention to detail and taking care of your roof.

Cons of Dr. Roof Roofing Contractors

Not very many, but it seems that they’re still adding content to their site. Be sure to ask them for information about their bond because most legitimate contractors will not only have a license, but also a bond that makes sure you’ll be compensated if the work they do was subpar. You also want to make sure you’re dealing with the legitimate Dr. Roof – their only legitimate website is drroof.com.

Bottom Line on Dr. Roof Marietta Roofing Contractors

These are contractors that work within the Marrietta area and rank among the best Marietta, Georgia roofing contractors companies. Be sure to give them a call to get a quote and compare quotes to make sure you’re getting the best value. When dealing with contractors, you should always remember that if something feels fishy, it usually is. However, Dr. Roof seems to be the real deal.